Trainer Blog: S/4HANA training for global retail brand

I’ve recently been working on an SAP S/4HANA training programme for an international cosmetics firm, whose transformation project also includes the introduction of C/4HANA functionality. We’ve previously worked with this retail brand on an SAP Hybris e-commerce implementation, so it’s great to be back.

The timescales on this project have been very tight, so it’s been all hands on deck to produce the training materials in the pre-go-live window, but we’re delighted with the results so far. This has included the development of various training materials, including bespoke reference guides, trainer packs, quick cards and eLearning. Scripting and producing the interactive S/4HANA eLearning modules is something I specifically enjoy, as it allows me to be creative with Adobe Captivate, which is a fantastic tool for developing eLearning. The client also requested the development of some passive videos too.

Following this development, I’ve been delivering role-specific classroom and online S/4HANA training to various audiences. The transformation project has involved the introduction of various new business processes, so explaining and teaching these has been just as important as the physical step-by-step system instructions. In previous projects I’ve found that a full verbal and graphical explanation of the process has allowed the end-users to clearly understand where their role function sits within the wider team, which increases engagement in the training and ultimately, the S/4HANA ERP application. Whilst underestimated by some, change management is crucial to the success of any ERP implementation project.

The feedback from the training delivery has been incredibly positive and I’m delighted to learn the client will engage Optimum once more for the next rollout phase in 2020.

To learn more about general SAP end-user training and implementation best practices, check out our eBook — Getting ERP User Adoption Right: 5 Steps for Success.

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